Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Wild Day

The Camdenton Fire Station

For the last couple weeks I have been stationed in Lebanon and Camdenton Missouri. The weeks have held the occasional perscribed burn and a couple false alarm wild fires, but today that all changed.

This week I am on a four person team stationed at a really cool fire house, complete with fire poles. We started our day around noon and went on a four acre wild fire at one. Around two we responded to another wild fire that was only about one acre. At three we responded to a 60 acre fire and by six thirty we were on another fire that was 86 acres. This last fire went until eight thirty. We put them all out and had a really good time. In one day I went on more wildfires then I have all fire season. Tomorrow is supposed to be an even better fire day... wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with fire Elsa? You sound overly excited about having a better 'fire day' tomorrow! JK, Glad to hear you are enjoying it. Hope things finish up well for you in the last couple months here (crazy though!).
